Our Services
On an individual and systemic level, our services are designed to meet the physical, therapeutic, and relational needs of our community most vulnerable children and families.

Our Services
On an individual and systemic level, our services are designed to meet the physical, therapeutic, and relational needs of our community most vulnerable children and families.

At Hope 1312 Collective, we engage the Church and the community to enter the story of child welfare as a provision of tangible Hope for children who have encountered the DFCS system.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Our Story
Our efforts were launched in 2014 by a small group of community members, social workers, foster parents, youth pastors, business executives, who were tired of seeing kids linger in the foster care system and kids from hard places continue to struggle to find Hope. We wanted to see resources leveraged for meaningful impact, see the church truly be the church, and lives changed through an encounter with Hope.
Have you heard the good news? Our center is officially open!
The Role of the Collective
We, as the collective, have a responsibility to engage in the child welfare system and create lasting change in the lives of at risk children in our community. There is Hope for children in hard places, but we have to work together.
The Role of the Church
We as the Church are commanded to care for orphans. Historically, the Church engages with the child welfare system based on their perception of needs, however, we connect the Church with actual needs. The Church has the resources - relationally, professionally and financially - to reach vulnerable families and transform our community and society as a whole.
The Role of HOPE

We know that the current story of kids in the foster care system is a story of Hope being deferred time and again. The broken nature of the system often leaves a child stuck in the waiting, and hearts become sick over time. However, when a longing is fulfilled a tree of life is possible. Essentially, an encounter with tangible Hope shifts the trajectory.
The scriptural truth about Hope is supported by behavioral research below:
improvements in perceived competence and self-worth (Kwon, 2000))
lower depression and anxiety (Ong, Edwards, & Bergeman, 2006)
increased optimism about the future
stronger problem solving skills
increased development of life goals
decreased likelihood to have behavior problems or experience psychological distress
better interpersonal relationships
higher school achievement success in the areas of attendance, grades, graduation rates, and college going rates (Pedrotti, Edwards, & Lopez, 2008)
increased resilience when facing stressful life events (cf. Valle, Huebner, & Suldo, 2006)